Luang Prabang Waterfall
The most popular of the waterfalls is Kuang Si which is located about 30 kilometres to the southwest of town. The first glimpse you get of these falls is of the lower sections, where the bright turquoise water gently tumbles over small limestone ledges. Impressive yes, but better is to come. As you move further up the falls, you come across people swimming in a large lagoon and swinging from a tarzan vine. Walking further up the hill past more and more impressive falls shaded from the intense sunshine you come to an opening where the main waterfall comes into view.
Trip Highlight

This high waterfall tumbles out of the jungle above with incredible force. At this point it’s possible to get up close to the waterfall for a better look and many choose to have their photo taken in front of it.


Day 1 Luang Prabang

Phasellus ut dolor cursus, mattis velit non, finibus nisi. Nunc ac luctus est, in efficitur nunc. Curabitur pharetra porttitor ipsum, nec tristique nulla tincidunt eu. Sed vestibulum sed metus at ornare. Fusce turpis odio, porta at felis eget, varius pellentesque mi. Integer eget dolor lectus. Quisque tempor, augue eget imperdiet ultricies, velit arcu blandit enim, rhoncus feugiat odio dolor quis sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis vel fringilla sem, non interdum eros. Vivamus imperdiet semper turpis, sed venenatis quam vulputate vitae. Aliquam interdum lacus quis felis faucibus, a mollis lectus rutrum. Integer sagittis dapibus massa.

Meals: (Lunch/Dinner)

Trip Inclusion

- A/c transportation with driver as tour program.

- Hotel accommodation in twin/double sharing room with daily breakfast

- Meals as tour indicated in the itinerary. ( 03 lunches + 02 dinners)

- Fantastic boat on Halong Bay on private basic

- Private boat to Cat Ba island

- Hydrofoil ticket Cat Ba – Hai Phong ( one way)

- Local English/French/Chinese speaking guide.

- Admission fees all sites as specified.

- Travel insurance.

Trip Exclusion

- Tips for driver and guide.

- Drinks cost & all personal expenses.

- Surcharge for single room

- Others Not mentioned in the price above. 
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